%define archivedate 20100820 Name: mozc Version: 0.12.434.102 Release: 0.2.%{archivedate}svn%{?dist} Summary: Google Japanese Input Group: System Environment/Libraries License: BSD and ASL 2.0 and UCD and Public Domain and Boost and mecab-ipadic URL: http://code.google.com/p/mozc # How to checkout the tree from the repository: # http://code.google.com/p/mozc/wiki/LinuxBuildInstructions # # How to make a tarball after updating: # major=$(grep MAJOR src/mozc_version_template.txt|sed -e 's/MAJOR=//g') # minor=$(grep MINOR src/mozc_version_template.txt|sed -e 's/MINOR=//g') # build=$(grep BUILD src/mozc_version_template.txt|sed -e 's/BUILD=//g') # rev=$(grep REVISION src/mozc_version_template.txt|sed -e 's/REVISION=//g') # version="$major.$minor.$build.$rev" # date=$(date +%Y%m%d) # (cd src; # for f in $(find -type f -regex '.*.[ch]'); do chmod a-x $f; done # tar -a --exclude-vcs --exclude third_party/gyp* -cf ../mozc-$version-$date.tar.bz2 * # ) # # third_party/rx/rx.c: ASL 2.0 # Copyright Yusuke Tabata 2008 # data/unicode/: UCD # Copyright (c) 1991-2008 Unicode, Inc. # data/test/stress_test/sentences.txt: Public Domain # base/scoped_ptr.h: Boost Software License 1.0 # data/dictionary/: mecab-ipadic and BSD # See http://code.google.com/p/mozc/issues/detail?id=20 # also data/installer/credits_en.html Source0: mozc-%{version}-%{archivedate}.tar.bz2 Patch0: mozc-build-verbosely.patch BuildRequires: python gettext BuildRequires: openssl-devel libstdc++-devel zlib-devel libcurl-devel gtest-devel protobuf-devel qt-devel BuildRequires: gyp >= 0.1-0.4.840svn BuildRequires: ibus-devel BuildRequires: scim-devel %description Mozc is a Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) designed for multi-platform such as Chromium OS, Windows, Mac and Linux. %package -n ibus-mozc Summary: Google Japanese Input engine for IBus input platform Group: System Environment/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: ibus %description -n ibus-mozc Mozc is a Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) designed for multi-platform such as Chromium OS, Windows, Mac and Linux. This package contains the Input Method Engine for IBus. %package -n scim-mozc Summary: Google Japanese Input engine for SCIM input platform Group: System Environment/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: scim %description -n scim-mozc Mozc is a Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) designed for multi-platform such as Chromium OS, Windows, Mac and Linux. This package contains the Input Method Engine for SCIM. %prep %setup -q -c -n %{name}-%{version} %patch0 -p0 -b .0-build-verbosely %build sed -i -e "s|\(.*\)/usr/lib/\(glib-2.0/.*\)|\1%{_libdir}/\2|g" \ -e "s|\(.*\)/usr/lib/\(gtk-2.0/.*\)|\1%{_libdir}/\2|g" unix/scim/scim.gyp sed -i -e "s|/usr/lib/mozc|%{_libexecdir}|g" base/util.cc python build_mozc.py gyp --gypdir=%{_bindir} python build_mozc.py build_tools -c Release python build_mozc.py build -c Release unix/ibus/ibus.gyp:ibus_mozc unix/scim/scim.gyp:scim_mozc unix/scim/scim.gyp:scim_mozc_setup server/server.gyp:mozc_server gui/gui.gyp:mozc_tool %install install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir} install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/ibus/component install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/ibus-mozc install -p -m0755 out_linux/Release/mozc_server $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir} install -p -m0755 out_linux/Release/mozc_tool $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir} install -p -m0755 out_linux/Release/ibus_mozc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/ibus-engine-mozc install -p -m0644 out_linux/Release/obj/gen/unix/ibus/mozc.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/ibus/component/ (cd data/images/unix; install -p -m0644 ime_product_icon_opensource-32.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/ibus-mozc/product_icon.png for i in ui-*.png; do install -p -m0644 $i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/ibus-mozc/${i//ui-/} done) # scim-mozc scim_moddir=$(pkg-config --variable=moduledir scim) scim_icondir=$(pkg-config --variable=icondir scim) install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT$scim_moddir/IMEngine install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT$scim_moddir/SetupUI install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT$scim_icondir install -p -m0755 out_linux/Release/lib.target/libscim_mozc.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT$scim_moddir/IMEngine/mozc.so install -p -m0755 out_linux/Release/lib.target/libscim_mozc_setup.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT$scim_moddir/SetupUI/mozc-setup.so (cd data/images/unix; install -p -m0644 ime_product_icon_opensource-32.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT$scim_icondir/scim-mozc.png for i in ui-*.png; do install -p -m0644 $i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT$scim_icondir/${i//ui-/scim-mozc-} done) cp -a third_party/rx/v1_0rc2/README third_party/rx/v1_0rc2/README.rx %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc third_party/rx/v1_0rc2/README.rx data/installer/credits_en.html %lang(ja) %doc data/installer/credits_ja.html %{_libexecdir}/mozc_server %{_libexecdir}/mozc_tool %files -n ibus-mozc %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc data/installer/credits_en.html %lang(ja) %doc data/installer/credits_ja.html %dir %{_datadir}/ibus-mozc %{_libexecdir}/ibus-engine-mozc %{_datadir}/ibus/component/mozc.xml %{_datadir}/ibus-mozc/*.png %files -n scim-mozc %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc data/installer/credits_en.html %lang(ja) %doc data/installer/credits_ja.html %{_libdir}/scim-1.0/*/IMEngine/mozc.so %{_libdir}/scim-1.0/*/SetupUI/mozc-setup.so %{_datadir}/scim/icons/*.png %changelog * Mon Aug 23 2010 Akira TAGOH - 0.12.434.102-0.2.20100820svn - Drop the unnecessary Obsoletes tag. - Output more build messages. (Mamoru Tasaka) - Own %%{_datadir}/ibus-mozc - add credits_*.html * Fri Aug 20 2010 Akira TAGOH - 0.12.434.102-0.1.20100820svn - drop exec bits for source code. - clean up spec file. - add mecab-ipadic to License tag. * Tue Aug 17 2010 Akira TAGOH - 0.12.434.102-0.1.20100817svn - Update to 0.12.434.102. * Thu Jul 29 2010 Akira TAGOH - 0.12.422.102-0.1.20100729svn - Update to 0.12.422.102. * Mon Jul 12 2010 Akira TAGOH - 0.12.410.102-0.1.20100712svn - Update to 0.12.410.102. * Tue Jun 22 2010 Akira TAGOH - 0.11.383.102-0.1.20100621svn - Update to 0.11.383.102. - Add a subpackage for scim. * Thu May 27 2010 Akira TAGOH - 0.11.365.102-0.1.20100527svn - Update to 0.11.365.102. - Update mozc-config. - correct the server directory. * Thu May 20 2010 Akira TAGOH - 0.11.354.100-0.1.20100520svn - Updates from svn. - Add mozc-config from git. * Tue May 11 2010 Akira TAGOH - - Initial build.