#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 # Yokogawa Electric Corporation. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary # forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that # the following conditions and disclaimer are agreed and accepted # by the user: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with # the distribution. # # 3. Neither the names of the copyrighters, the name of the project # which is related to this software (hereinafter referred to as # "project") nor the names of the contributors may be used to # endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # 4. No merchantable use may be permitted without prior written # notification to the copyrighters. # # 5. The copyrighters, the project and the contributors may prohibit # the use of this software at any time. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHTERS, THE PROJECT AND # CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING # BUT NOT LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHTERS, THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING # IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # $Id: IKEv2-EN-I-1-1-9-1-D.seq,v 1.3 2008/11/28 10:16:18 doo Exp $ # ################################################################ BEGIN { push(@INC, '..'); } END {} use IKEv2; use strict; my $remote = 'common_remote_index'; my $selector = 'common_selector_index_outbound'; my $session = undef; my $ike_sa_init_req_param = undef; my $ike_sa_init_resp_param = undef; my $ike_auth_req_param = undef; my $material = undef; my $str = undef; my @local_ike_auth_req = undef; kLogHTML('TEST SETUP'); #------------------------------# # register IKEv2.pm # #------------------------------# unless(IKEv2initialize('EN', 'EN')) { IKEv2exitFatal('IKEv2 module initializing failure'); } #------------------------------# # change configuration # #------------------------------# my $conf = { 'my_id.ipaddr' => [ ], 'my_id.keyid' => [ 'id_key_id', ], }; unless (IKEv2customize($conf)) { IKEv2exitFatal('IKEv2 configuration failure'); } #------------------------------# # configure TN # #------------------------------# unless(IKEv2setupTN()) { IKEv2exitFatal('TN setup failure'); } #------------------------------# # configure NUT # #------------------------------# unless(IKEv2setupNUT()) { IKEv2exitFatal('NUT setup failure'); } kLogHTML('TEST PROCEDURE'); #------------------------------# # prepare session handler # #------------------------------# $session = IKEv2create_session($remote); unless(defined($session)) { IKEv2exitFatal('IKEv2 session creation failure'); } $str = '
$str .= "    (I)             (R)\n";
$str .= "    NUT             TN1\n";
$str .= "     |               |\n";
$str .= "     |-------------->| IKE_SA_INIT request (HDR, SAi1, KEi, Ni)\n";
$str .= "     |               |\n";
$str .= "     V               V";
$str .= '
'; kLogHTML($str); #--------------------------------------# # invoke IKE_SA_INIT request # #--------------------------------------# unless(IKEv2initiateNUT($selector)) { IKEv2exitFatal('NUT initiation failure'); } #--------------------------------------# # receive IKE_SA_INIT request # #--------------------------------------# $ike_sa_init_req_param = devel_IKEv2receive_IKE_SA_INIT_request($session, $remote); unless(defined($ike_sa_init_req_param)) { kLogHTML(kDump_Common_Error()); kLogHTML('Can\'t observe IKE_SA_INIT request.'); IKEv2exitFail(); } $str = '
$str .= "    (I)             (R)\n";
$str .= "    NUT             TN1\n";
$str .= "     |               |\n";
$str .= "     |<--------------| IKE_SA_INIT response (HDR, SAr1, KEr, Nr)\n";
$str .= "     |               |\n";
$str .= "     V               V";
$str .= '
'; kLogHTML($str); #--------------------------------------# # send IKE_SA_INIT response # #--------------------------------------# $ike_sa_init_resp_param = devel_IKEv2send_IKE_SA_INIT_response($session, $remote, $ike_sa_init_req_param); unless(defined($ike_sa_init_resp_param)) { kLogHTML(kDump_Common_Error()); IKEv2exitFatal('Can\'t send IKE_SA_INIT response.'); } #--------------------------------------# # generate keying material # #--------------------------------------# $material = devel_IKEv2gen_keymat(0, $ike_sa_init_req_param, $ike_sa_init_resp_param); unless(defined($material)) { kLogHTML(kDump_Common_Error()); IKEv2exitFatal('Can\'t generate keying material.'); } #--------------------------------------------------# # prepare receive packet for IKE_AUTH request # # including IDi payload # #--------------------------------------------------# my $common_exp_ike_auth_req = $exp_ike_auth_req->{'common_remote_index'}; my @local_ike_auth_req = @{$common_exp_ike_auth_req}; # change ID payload for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@local_ike_auth_req); $i++) { my $payload = $local_ike_auth_req[$i]; if ($payload->{'self'} eq 'E') { for (my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@{$payload->{'innerPayloads'}}); $j++) { my $inner = @{$payload->{'innerPayloads'}}[$j]; if ($inner->{'self'} eq 'IDi') { $inner->{'type'} = 'KEY_ID'; $inner->{'length'} = '13'; $inner->{'value'} = pack('H*', 'id_key_id'); last; } } } } $exp_ike_auth_req->{'EN-I-1-1-9-1-D.1'} = \@local_ike_auth_req; #--------------------------------------# # receive IKE_AUTH request # #--------------------------------------# $str = '
$str .= "    (I)             (R)\n";
$str .= "    NUT             TN1\n";
$str .= "     |               |\n";
$str .= "     |-------------->| IKE_AUTH request (HDR, SK {IDi, AUTH, N(USE_TRANSPORT_MODE), SAi2, TSi, TSr})\n";
$str .= "     |               |\n";
$str .= "     V               V";
$str .= '
'; kLogHTML($str); $ike_auth_req_param = devel_IKEv2receive_IKE_AUTH_request($session, 'EN-I-1-1-9-1-D.1', $ike_sa_init_req_param, $ike_sa_init_resp_param, $material); unless(defined($ike_auth_req_param)) { kLogHTML(kDump_Common_Error()); kLogHTML('Can\'t observe IKE_AUTH request.'); IKEv2exitFail(); } #--------------------------------------# # exit with cleanup # #--------------------------------------# IKEv2exitPass(); # # perldoc # ######################################################################## __END__ =head1 Title Test IKEv2.EN.I. Sending IDi Payload Part D: ID_KEY_ID (BASIC) =head1 Purpose To verify an IKEv2 device transmits IDi payload properly. =head1 References * [RFC 4306] - Sections 3.5 =head1 Test Setup * Network Topology Connect the devices according to the Common Topology. * Configuration In each part, configure the devices according to the following configuration. =begin html

IDi payload which NUT sends to TN1
ID Type Identification Data
Part D ID_KEY_ID (11) "id_key_id"
=end html * Pre-Sequence and Cleanup Sequence IKEv2 on the NUT is disabled after each part. =head1 Procedure =begin html

   NUT                  TN1
(End-Node)           (End-Node)
    |                    |
    |------------------->| IKE_SA_INIT request (HDR, SAi1, KEi, Ni)
    |                    | (Judgement #1)
    |<-------------------| IKE_SA_INIT Response (HDR, SAr1, KEr, Nr)
    |                    | (Packet #1)
    |                    |
    |------------------->| IKE_AUTH request (HDR, SK {IDi, AUTH, N, SAi2, TSi, TSr})
    |                    | (Judgement #2)
    |                    |
    V                    V

Packet #1 See Common Packet #2
=end html Part D: ID_KEY_ID (BASIC) 13. NUT starts to negotiate with TN1 by sending IKE_SA_INIT request. 14. Observe the messages transmitted on Link A. 15. After reception of IKE_SA_INIT request from the NUT, TN1 responds with an IKE_SA_INIT response to the NUT. 16. Observe the messages transmitted on Link A. =head1 Observable Result Part D Step 14: Judgment #1 The NUT transmits an IKE_SA_INIT request including "ENCR_3DES", "PRF_HMAC_SHA1", "AUTH_HMAC_SHA1_96" and "D-H group 2" as proposed algorithms. Step 16: Judgment #2 The NUT transmits an IKE_AUTH request including an ID payload which contains the value specified as above table. =head1 Possible Problems * None. =cut